Version 0.1.4
I was able to get some guards running around. They kinds studder around in some spots but overall its not bad. I added in a blacksmith as well, it is just west of the temple. Go inside and there is a sword with some blue glow to it. pick it up (Which is stealing, you will get attacked) and it only works in third person mode, sorry, I ran out of time. I plan on filling that place up with weapons and armor by the end of the next beta. There is also a new system I downloaded called "Imposters" its an LOD add-on, so far i am pretty happy with it. It REALLY increased the FPS in a bunch of spots. I spent a bunch of time fixing the bridges and navmesh. The bridges had a rigidbody on them and would kinda bounce around when you walk on them, but when my NPC's walked across them it made my computer come to almost a screaming halt, so I removed that. I mostly put a bunch of focus on the outside world. I am pretty happy with the results considering what little time I have had.